South african and Tasmanian authors submitted creative writing for a Lost Lover book, score for a performative live broadcast in public space, inspired by this picture below and keywords as * Safe/Pain Free Abortion * Penis Enlargement * Bad Luck * Hips & Bums * Casino * Magic Ring.
Free workshops happened at Moonah Art Center, Tasmania, 2017
MAGNETIC POETRY (Let you guide by magnetic power to create content for a radio walk in South Africa. With Rachel Edwards, Felicia Atkinson and Pip Stafford )
TRANSMIT YOURSELF (Embody your creative writing with live feed with South African writers. With Emesha Rudolph, Ace and Selena De Carvalho)
Adelaide Tambo Library, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2018
Lost Lover book is published online and limited print of 100, launch in July 2018 at Vrystaat Arts Festival with a radio walk in the streets of Bloemfontein : A.I.R..
A.I.R. (Altitude Immersive Radio) is a collective slow walk through a city with wind-up radios to create a cloud of transmission, a forest of voices in the radio wilderness. Participants received to their radios a live radio broadcast from local community stations, featuring a script inspired by keywords seen in Bloemfontein’s streets and written in collaboration with writers from Tasmania and South Africa, extending balloon antennas reception and interfere with each other and electromagnetic fields in the city.
A.I.R. (Altitude Immersive Radio) is a participatory performance in public space at Vrystaat Arts Festival 2018 in Bloemfontein, South Africa; supported by the Tasmanian Lab SITUATE Art in Festivals, PIAD (Programme for Innovation in Art-form Development), PAP (Public Art Projects) and Australia Council for the Arts (Emerging and Experimental Arts).